Christians who wish to explore, or just better comprehend, the spectrum of
New Age possibilities.
New Agers who seek to retrieve the deeper nuances of the Christian faith.
Christian New Agers who have discovered a congruence of the Christian and
New Age paths.
Seekers and scholars who have found that essential diversity itself spawns
intellectual challenge and spiritual
Our columns sparkle with depth and variety! Enjoy reviews? Take "A Peek Between
The Covers." Share another's contemplation by entering "A Pensive Pause."
Browse through "The Letters Library" to glimpse the thoughts of our readers.
Or shop the "Advertising!" corner. And if you find yourself wondering how
the journey looks "Through The Editor's Eyes," we've got a column for that
too! Plus, every issue offers an array of pivotal, cutting-edge essays.
Each full issue of Christian*New Age Quarterly contains a minimum
of twenty 7 x 8-1/2" pages, packed with articulate and controversial
articles representing the insight of our most creative contributors. A
subscription consists of four full issues in addition to any interim C*NAQ
Plus supplements, and includes first-class postage.
To subscribe, please send $12.50 to Christian*New Age Quarterly, PO
Box 276, Clifton, NJ 07015-0276, USA (Subscriptions outside the US are $18.50,
in US funds only). Or sample us for $3.50 ($5 if outside the US). Free
information is always available just send a #10 SASE.
Moving Ahead with
In order to offer a timely forum for dialog,
Christian*New Age Quarterly needs to publish at expectable intervals.
Still getting full 20- to 24-page issues out on a regular basis hadn't proved
consistently feasible prior to 2009. The solution? C*NAQ Plus, a
supplement to full issues, that has allowed C*NAQ to return to a quarterly
Either a Plus or a regular, full issue is released each quarter.
C*NAQ Pluses are slim, casual and a little off the cuff. The format's
flexibility can support seasonal advertising and treasured "blasts from the
past" reprinted essays from C*NAQ's early years
as well as commentary on current events. And, as a way to give readers an
active voice in the dialog, Pluses feature an expanded "Letters Library."
Rest assured, a four-issue subscription to C*NAQ still provides four
of the familiar full issues, plus any interim supplements that are released.
Think of it as our thank-you to our
Visit C*NAQ's
Ordering Information
to learn about a different option: an annual subscription special, available
only to online customers!