January-March 2002

Volume 14, Number 1




On Myth and Truth
Was that Reality We Dreamed Up Last Night?

Robert Arias

An author new to C*NAQ, Robert Arias treats us to a decidedly different look at the relationship between myth and truth. First examining myth as the defining womb of a culture, Rob probes our contemporary search for a new mythological structure in which to frame the spiritual journey. The author proceeds to identify the threads which have begun to contribute to the new myth, yet unseen — and to urge us all to mark the difference between our myths and the human reality which calls us to act to alleviate the suffering of others.

The Touch of God:
The Healings of Jesus and the Healing Ministry of the Church

Bruce G. Epperly

Rev. Dr. Bruce G. Epperly treats us to the most comprehensive theological look at healing he has yet to offer readers. This wonderful piece knits his earlier essays on reiki, chi, the power of prayer, and the healing stories of the gospels into a seamless presentation. Medicine and spirituality, as well as Eastern philosophy and Western theology, find their point of merger in this delightful essay!

A Peek Between the Covers

Dan Hahn

In this thought-provoking review, the Reverend Daniel Hahn explores The Cosmic Serpent, by Jeremy Narby. What does DNA have to do with a knowledge which proceeds not from an intellectual level, but from subcellular understanding? Perhaps here lies a clue that takes us far beyond the brain-based rationalism of Modernity.

A Pensive Pause

Seeing Past the Darkness

John W. Groff, Jr.

Transporting us to the last Sunday in the Epiphany season, Father John W. Groff, Jr. examines the sermon on the Transfiguration story that many of us might expect to hear from the pulpit. Father Groff then turns to offer his own thoughts on the radiantly transformed appearance of Jesus witnessed by Peter, James and John. "Seeing Past the Darkness" asks: could it all be a matter of seeing with awakened eyes? After this "Pensive Pause" some readers may journey into Lent under a whole new light.

The Letters Library


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