C*NAQ Plus
A Supplement to Full Issues


As Catherine Groves shared in her first C*NAQ Plus "Through the Editor's Eyes," "If ever a bridge supporting dialog was crucial, today is the day. I am stunned when I see so much of the world in crisis.... and religious rift feeding the strife...." Religious violence will continue to escalate "if we don't do something to dissolve the tension and bring us all together now." (See Early Winter 2009.)

Christian*New Age Quarterly launched its first C*NAQ Plus, a supplement to full issues, in 2009 — and reader response has been downright delightful! The Plus format allows Christian*New Age Quarterly to publish on a timely basis, with an assortment of Pluses and full issues released each year. Each supplement includes a reprint of an earlier article that continues to offer relevant insights. C*NAQ Pluses are slim, casual and just a little off the cuff — with an expanded "Letters Library" to give readers an active voice in the dialog.

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