Winter 2009

Volume 19, Number 2

Please visit "What's New? C*NAQ Plus!" to learn about our Volume 19, Number 2+,
which was released in Spring 2010!




A Pensive Pause

San Francisco Open Cathedral and Night Ministry

Joanne Winetzki

"Find the Divine in your sisters and brothers. Look into their faces and see the face of Christ in everyone you meet." That was the response of the Reverend Lyle Beckman, Director of San Francisco Night Ministry, when asked for a word to C*NAQ readers. In "San Francisco Open Cathedral and Night Ministry," Joanne Winetzki shares her thoughts on this remarkable outreach in the city's poorest and most troubled district.

No Room at the Inn

Elizabeth Guertler

Caught traveling in a blizzard on Christmas Eve far from one's destination? "No Room at the Inn," Elizabeth Guertler's first C*NAQ essay, tells the tale! It's about giving, receiving and sharing on the eve of a celebration that often inspires acts of generosity and goodwill.

The Secret Justice?

Bruce G. Epperly

The Reverend Dr. Bruce G. Epperly explores The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, and finds much in it to commend. He ventures that The Secret can challenge church leaders to provide the tools of personal transformation that seldom have been offered to Christians. Still, Epperly critiques this bestseller, which focuses upon the "law of attraction," for minimizing the importance of social justice and community — and its exclusive concentration on the power of the mind to effect positive change.

A Tale of Saint Iodasaph

Blessed are the Blind

Robert M. Price

As readers of Christian*New Age Quarterly know, the "real" Saint Iodasaph is the accidental Christianization of a Buddhist legend. Robert M. Price's "Tales of Saint Iodasaph," however, feature a hypothetical version of the Saint — which offers the opportunity to explore what wisdom a Christian saint with Buddhist leanings might have imparted. In "Blessed are the Blind," the Saint reveals how a beggar was blessed by blindness, rather than cursed with riches that would have caused him to stumble.

A Peek Between the Covers

Joanne Winetzki

Readers will enjoy Joanne Winetzki's take on The Earth Path by Starhawk. The Earth Path shares solutions, our reviewer quotes, "that can transform our way of living to be more in harmony with the earth." The Wiccan connection with the Goddess, Starhawk relates, is "through the moon, the stars, the ocean." Winetzki moves us gracefully along this intriguing journey of philosophy and psychology.

The Letters Library

C*NAQ readers speak out

Readers of Christian*New Age Quarterly discuss the articles featured in our Summer 2009 issue, as well as contribute their thoughts on a range of subjects — including the Catholic path to enlightenment through prayer evidenced by Saint Teresa of Avila.


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