Summer 2020

Volume 24, Number 3+




Through the Editor's Eyes

The Sixth Sense and the Signposts

Catherine Groves

Catherine Groves kicks off this issue with an exploration of what she finds to be her own way of differentiating faith and belief. This essay touches on a wide range of aspects, from how Jesus apparently didn't draw this distinction, to how we often hold in our heads incompatible beliefs — from whether or not we can choose our beliefs, to questioning the relationship between faith and belief.

Distinguishing Faith from Belief

Robert Arias

As our featured reprint from C*NAQ's earlier years, we'll reintroduce Robert Arias' "Distinguishing Faith from Belief." This deeply touching, personal piece was first published in our April-June 2005 Christian*New Age Quarterly issue. Here we find how a series of troubling events brought clarity to his understanding of the difference. Arias writes, "That belief and faith are distinct phenomena is a natural corollary of the idea that all the world's great spiritual traditions hold equally valid claims to authenticity. If those claims do not rest upon a core of common beliefs, one must look to faith as the unifying thread."

The Letters Library

C*NAQ readers speak out

This time around, we hear from Cher Gilmore of Share International, Frederick Moe and N. Michel Landaiche III.


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