Winter 2021

Volume 25, Number 2+




Through the Editor's Eyes

Changes, Challenges, Confusion, Consternation, Contradiction and Christian*New Age Quarterly

Catherine Groves

In this "Through the Editor's Eyes," Groves explores the difficulties that publishing can bring, especially for paper-only periodicals. Yet after over 30 years of publishing Christian*New Age Quarterly, Groves finds she has an inner commitment to continuing the publication and keeping it growing. Then Groves turns her attention to a recent and particularly callous change to security certificate protocol, which leaves behind folks visiting affected sites if they are attempting to access with older equipment — hence older browsers. It's not the site that is fishy, but a certificate-compatibility glitch.

Blasts from
Our Past

Pensive Pauses: "July 28, 1988" and "Dreaming into the Kingdom"

Father John W. Groff, Jr.

In memory of Father John W. Groff, Jr., our choices for this issue are his "July 28, 1988," which hails from our very first issue in January-March 1989, as well as "Dreaming into the Kingdom," published in the July-September 1998 C*NAQ.

The Letters Library

C*NAQ readers speak out

The Reverend David Brock shares his thoughts on "Dark Genius," an essay by Robert M. Price in our Autumn 2021 C*NAQ.


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